Q.  When was Yahshua born?

A.  Considerations in determining Yahshua's birth:

· John the Baptist's birth date, in relation to Yahshua's, to be considered with the timing of Zechariah's Temple service (course of Abia, in October), Luke 1:23-26.

· Counting back 33 1/2 years from Yahshua's death at Passover (in the spring)

· "no room at the inn" Luke 2:7 (census, verse 3, with taxation unlikely in winter, but rather fall after last harvest and increase which would bring the most money in for Roman rulers) Winter roads would not make for good travel.

· "In the same region there were some shepherds staying out in the fields and keeping watch over their flock by night," Luke 2:8. Unlikely they were out at night in the wintertime.

   In the book, The Star That Astonished The World, by Ernest L. Martin, the evidence strongly suggests Yahshua's birth to be in the fall of 3 B.C.E. This would place the start of His ministry in fall of 27 C.E. (a Sabbatical if counted from all other confirmed Sabbaticals) where He promised redemption for the people by quoting Isaiah 61:1-2. With His death later (Spring 31 C.E.?) providing the needed blood sacrifice and resurrection needed for salvation and redemption, it opens the door to His return. Many believe His return will be in the year of Jubilee. In the mean time, let’s remember His death in the Passover memorial, 1 Cor. 11:25-26.

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