- YAIY Beacon Magazine

Many of the truths in the Bible have been glossed over or simply ignored. YAIY Beacon Magazine goes into the Scriptures in depth to reveal and explain what most never teach... Truths that have a direct bearing on personal salvation. Let the Beacon guide you through the Bible as restores, "the faith once delivered to the saints." Jude 1:3

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YAIY Beacon Magazine
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July - September 2024

False Teachers and their Doctrines...
“False teaching can harm brethren’s faith... " <read more>
Simon Peter: A Case Study
"Simon Peter's consideration of the five administrations of the Word of Yahweh..." <read more>
Two Leavened Loaves
"Could the two loaves offered at Pentecost (Lev. 23:17) be symbolic of the Holy Spirit?... " <read more>
Know Your Enemy (Who is Satan?)
"Satan in the Hebrew language is hashatan (meaning, the adversary). He was a beautiful angelic cherub... <read more>
Tribulation, “This, Too, Shall Pass”
"We are children in the sight of Yahweh..."<read more>
Identifying Esau and Ishmael”
"Wars and rumors of war in Israel today..."<read more>
October-Dec 2024
Available Fall 2024

July-Sept. 2018
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Investment of a Lifetime
Lean On Me
History-Coming Events!

October-Dec. 2018
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Make Wise Decisions
In the Likeness of Elohim
The Christmas Fantasy